Success stories
Al Qaryan
The Problem: Our client planned to develop a new world-class industrial metal recycling facility in Jubail Industrial City; but first, a comprehensive environmental study was required by the regulatory authority to qualify Al Qaryan for the environmental permit for the project. The Solution: To help our client move the project forward, we drew on our extensive knowledge of the permitting process and future requirements. We prepared the environmental permitting package for the project, including the completion of the Permit Application Package, creating a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Study, and developing an Environmental Emergency Response Plan for submission to the Royal Commission of Jubail. The Result: Al Qaryan needed speed on this project, and STATERRA’s agile team delivered. Working on multiple tasks in parallel and with close stakeholder follow-up, and using our proven methodologies and state-of-the-art tech to ensure accurate and comprehensive results as well as rapidity, we were able to help our client obtain the permit in record time.
The diversity of life on Earth is critical to the health of our planet and our personal well-being.
Nature, on the other hand, is under unprecedented stress.
Our demands for food, water, and land, as well as our increasing demand for energy, are destroying habitats, polluting our air and water, and driving animal and plant species to extinction.
Staterra’s goal is to play a significant role in improving the quality of our environment for the benefit of all people while promoting a better understanding of the effects of our society on the long-term health of our planet.
Our client planned to develop a new world-class industrial metal recycling facility in Jubail Industrial City; but first, a comprehensive environmental study was required by the regulatory authority to qualify Al Qaryan for the environmental permit for the project.
Air quality assessment
Staterra procured air quality and meteorology data from the nearest RC ambient air quality monitoring station to the site.
The parameters of interest will include wind speed, wind direction, temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, NOX as NO2, SO2, CO, O3, and Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5).
Our team carried out a noise monitoring survey to assess background noise at different locations at the Project site.
Measurements of noise levels was carried out using Class 1 Sound Level Meter to characterize the ambient noise levels in the project site.
STATERRA collected surface soil samples at different locations at the Project site to determine the quality of soil and the presence of any contaminants of concern.
The samples will be sent to an RC approved laboratory for analysis.
Our team of specialists installed temporary groundwater monitoring wells at the site and collected groundwater samples from these wells and carried our various hydrogeology tests.
The samples were then sent to an RC approved laboratory for analysis for parameters identified in Table 3C, RCER 2015, Volume I.
Environmental Studies
STATERRA team prepared the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), completed the Permit Application Package (PAP), and prepared an Environmental Emergency Response Plan (EERP) for the Project.
To help our client move the project forward, we drew on our extensive knowledge of the permitting process and future requirements.
We prepared the environmental permitting package for the project, including the completion of the Permit Application Package, creating a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Study, and developing an Environmental Emergency Response Plan for submission to the Royal Commission of Jubail.
Review of Available Records
All the available records and reports such as design, layout plan, etc. were studied by Staterra team to ensure a deep understanding of the project.
Environmental Scoping Report (ESR)
The information gathered during the site visit and the review of available records will be used to document decisions in the scoping report and to document some aspects of the baseline conditions.
Permit Application Package
The Staterra team reviewed all the relevant engineering data based on the proposed technology and completed the applicable PAP forms.
Environmental Emergency Response Plan (EERP)
The EERP provides a written framework for a continuous process by which RC as a legislator and industries operating in the industrial city manage hazards in an effort to avoid them or to eliminate their adverse impacts resulting from these hazards.

Environmental Baseline Assessment
Baseline assessment evaluates the dimensions of the study area and describes relevant physical, biological, and socio-economic conditions. Also, it considers current and proposed development projects within the project area but not directly connected to the project.
Impact Assessment
Based on the baseline studies, a systematic assessment of environmental impacts on air, noise, water, land, and socio-economic environments in the study area was done by predicting the nature, scale, severity, and extent of changes that would be associated with the proposed project and their subsequent effects on the environment in comparison to the existing baseline conditions.
Analysis of Alternatives
In the analysis of alternatives, Staterra team systematically compared feasible alternatives to the proposed project site, technology, design, and operation in terms of their potential environmental and social impacts, the feasibility of mitigating these impacts, their capital and recurrent costs, their suitability under local conditions, and their institutional, training and monitoring requirements.
Staterra utilized Best Available Technique Assessment (BAT) for environmental control to justify the reasons for choosing the proposed technologies, taking account of the environmental effects.
According to RCER 2015, BAT is the application at facilities of the most effective and advanced production processes, methods/technologies, or operational practices to prevent and, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions or discharges and other impacts to the environment as a whole.
BAT must as a minimum achieve emission or discharge standards considering energy, environmental and economic impacts, and other costs to the facility.
Mitigation Measures
In this part of the EIA study, Staterra team investigated the potential mitigation measures for minimizing adverse effects and enhancing any beneficial effects.
Where the predicted impacts exceed environmental quality standards or, there are stated or perceived uncertainties relating to the accuracy of the predicted effects, effective mitigation measures were proposed to control impacts.
Environmental Management & Monitoring Plan (EMMP)
The EMMP prepared by STATERRA specified arrangements for planned monitoring, surveillance, and/or auditing activities, including methodologies, schedules protocols for impact management in the event of unforeseen events, etc. to serve as a tool for the contractor and operator to monitor environmental compliance during the construction and operation phases.
Al Qaryan needed speed on this project, and Staterra’s agile team delivered.
Our team prepared the EIA report in accordance with RCER 2015 Volume II Appendix C proposed format.
Working on multiple tasks in parallel and with close stakeholder follow-up, and using our proven methodologies and state-of-the-art tech to ensure accurate and comprehensive results as well as rapidity, we were able to help our client obtain the permit in record time.